What Are The Potential Applications of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes?

Applications of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes
Applications of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes | Image Resource : fens.sabanciuniv.edu

Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) made from the smallest atom on earth- graphene come with extraordinary properties that have found their importance across various industries. The carbon-carbon bond seen in these nanotubes led to the formation of many hybrid structure and vertically aligned CNTs is one of them. In this unusual microstructure, the tubes are aligned in their longitudinal axis to the substrate surface. This structure highlights the anisotropic characteristics of the tubes and holds a morphology that can be controlled easily.

Now, what makes this structure one of the most sort after forms of CNT is its extensive range of applications. Several studies indicate that the vertically aligned carbon nanotubes are powered with robust chemical, biological, mechanical, optical and electrical properties that can reshape many sectors through its use.

Applications of Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes

Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes
Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes | Image Resource : ifw-dresden.de

As stated earlier, there are many applications of these nanotubes, yet here are the five popular ones amongst them:

  • Blackbody absorber: This might sound strange, but the low refractive index of these tubes enables them to absorb light that can be utilized for enhancing resolution in microscopes, spectroscopes, telescopes and other optical devices. In fact, this property is already being used at a commercial scale, in which vertically aligned CNTs coatings are implemented for increasing heat absorption in solar technologies as well as for thermal camouflage in military applications.

  • Supercapacitors: Similar to conventional capacitors, the supercapacitors made from vertically aligned carbon nanotubes are equipped with electromechanical actuators that contain two independent electrodes and are separated from one another via an insulating material. In case of an ordinary capacitor, its capacitance is based on the inter-electrode separation and sheet planar however for supercapacitors this separation is only a few nanometers.

  • Fuel Cell: These nanotubes have low dielectric constant and thus are integrated into circuits for reducing the coupling in capacitance. When the oriented and elongated pores of the nanotubes are implemented then they effectively decrease the value of K and that too without altering the volume of dielectric. This is where the aspect ratio of high quality vertically aligned carbon nanotubes comes into play.

  • Biological Sensors: The main benefit of these tubes is its nanosize and that too in a CNT element, that means a small portion of the material is needed for desirable response. The appropriately aligned CNTs are used for creating DNA sensors, enzyme sensors, protein sensors and RNA sensors.

Why To Buy High Quality Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes?

Often it is presumed that every type of vertically aligned CNTs available online is just the same. However, the reality is far from that. These tubes drastically vary in terms of their quality, purity and method of synthesization. Thus, these aspects must be taken into consideration when you want to buy high quality vertically aligned carbon nanotubes.

Besides choosing the best type, even pay attention towards the online store that you choose. For this, you can make a note of their experience, the kind of nanoproducts that they offer, their prices and how they have fared their position in the industry.


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