Pros And Cons Of Materials Used In 3D Printing

Materials Used In 3D Printing
Materials Used In 3D Printing | Image Resource :

The efficient printing which we get from 3D printers is due to the marvellous materials or combination of materials used in the devices. With the changing technology, various elements are employed in the manufacturing of printing materials. Each has its own merits and demerits. Even nanotechnology is engaged in these materials which provide unique effect in printing.

Vivid details of materials used in 3D printing

Layer by layer fabrication of the objects provide perfect visualised form of the object on to the paper. When you go through the technologies of materials used in 3D printing, you will come to know about its related types and benefits. There are three common and different types of technology used in the material making.

  • SLS also known as Selective Laser Sintering

  • Fused Deposition Modelling also known as FDM

  • And stereo lithography commonly known as SLA.

However, the materials of 3D printing can be made either from plastic, metals, nanometals, biological components like cell, tissues and so on. Regular research work is being carried out so that most benefits are grabbed out of it.

Know the pros and cons of different 3D printing materials

  • ABS: this is the most common types of 3D printing materials. It is tough, non toxic and generates unpleasant fumes.

  • Metal filament: it provides metal like lustrous finish but is bit expensive.

  • Flexible filament: it is somewhat similar to PLA which even helps in the conduction of electricity. It is however bit expensive.

  • Nylon: it is tough and inexpensive. However, it requires high temperature to melt.

  • PVA: it is the new class of 3D printing which is good for supports and even easy to print. It is advisable not to overheat it else it might produce toxic vapours which may prove fatal in many ways.


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